Minimalism and sustainability are increasingly intersecting as an emerging movement. Minimalism encourages only buying what’s necessary, while sustainability works to preserve natural resources and protect ecosystems.
One potential result of minimalism could be reduced material consumption and carbon emissions. However, research into actual minimalism behaviours provides mixed findings (e.g. some minimalists may upgrade possessions frequently or use additional income for carbon-intensive hobbies such as frequent overseas travel).
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
A minimalist lifestyle empowers you to reduce your carbon footprint by limiting how much stuff you own or consume – from clothes to shopping bags – and to reduce wasteful practices like plastic consumption and production. Opting to live with less not only saves money and energy but also frees up resources for taking more risks or spending quality time with loved ones, giving you a sense of control over your choices and their environmental impact.
Minimalism can create space for what matters to you most – a career change, more eco-friendly living, or simply getting rid of physical clutter – such as sleeping better at night and working more efficiently in an uncluttered environment. Travelling lighter may become more enjoyable, or walking instead of driving could become your preferred mode of transport. Furthermore, minimalism encourages eating lower on the food chain, which has been found to significantly decrease environmental impacts by cutting meat consumption, which accounts for 14.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and releases methane 25 times stronger at trapping heat than CO2.
Minimalism offers an opportunity to liberate yourself from the constant need for the latest and greatest. By selling or donating unneeded possessions and redirecting those funds towards experiences such as spending time with loved ones, going on nature walks or attending an art exhibit by one of your favourite artists, minimalism encourages a sense of freedom from the burden of excess, and a focus on what truly adds value to your life.
If you aren’t sure of your carbon footprint, there are a variety of free online tools and apps that can estimate it for you. Some are more comprehensive and provide details of daily activities and comparisons to average US households.
Many people find it hard to let go of items when they no longer serve a useful function in their lives. They often keep items stored away in the garage, attic, or basement for years before eventually disposing of or giving away these unwanted objects. Yet this clutter has serious negative repercussions for energy and resource usage, as well as for global health.
Reuse and Recycle
Minimalists tend to produce less waste because they own fewer items. Their focus on owning less leads to them donating or selling unwanted possessions instead of disposing of them. They also choose items made from sustainable materials that last longer compared to cheap disposable goods. Furthermore, this approach reduces replacement needs—another significant source of global waste and energy consumption.
Minimalists opt for public transit over using their cars, helping reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, many opt for organic or local foods as part of a healthier lifestyle and support regenerative farming practices. Furthermore, decreasing meat consumption helps decrease animal cruelty and environmental pollution associated with raising and slaughtering livestock.
Marie Kondo and Joshua Fields Millburn, among many other minimalist authors, have written extensively about the environmental benefits of reduced excess consumption. Their books encourage readers to keep only those items that “spark joy,” leading to less wasteful household practices and energy use. However, these books don’t specify what should happen with items no longer considered useful or that no longer spark joy; some may end up donated, while some end up in landfills.
Some researchers have proposed that minimalism can help people save money and become more resourceful by emphasizing the value of each item they own. Meanwhile, others have noted how minimalism enhances personal well-being and life satisfaction. In one study, participants practised minimalism reported saving money while packing more easily for trips. They also had higher creativity levels and well-being scores compared with their non-minimalist counterparts.
As it depends on actual consumption patterns, assessing the impact of minimalist living on environmental sustainability can take time. Studies have revealed that minimalism may result in an endless cycle of purchasing and purging items (Eike et al., 2022) while reducing clothing consumption can reduce waste and energy use (Rathour & Mankame, 2019). Still, more people are adopting minimalist principles, proving that less can be more regarding sustainability.
Donate and Sell
Minimalism encourages us to reduce waste by recycling and donating items that no longer have value rather than discarding them into the trash. Instead of throwing tattered clothing away unnecessarily, cut it up for cleaning rags that reduce paper towel waste made with virgin fibres and bleached cotton. Furthermore, minimalism encourages investing in quality sustainable goods like reusable water bottles, plants or kitchen tools, which provide our loved ones with something truly precious while not adding more consumer waste into the environment.
Select versatile clothing pieces that can be combined and matched for an adequate minimalist wardrobe. Not only will this save space, but it can also help avoid fast fashion’s disposable nature. Also, look for eco-friendly office supplies and shoes to decrease carbon emissions.
Another way minimalism supports sustainability is through limited travel. Not only can limiting your journey cut carbon emissions and make life healthier by decreasing exposure to VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from paints and lacquers, but taking public transportation is an ideal option – mainly if it is electric or hybrid!
Opt for shopping locally or making gifts instead of purchasing more stuff that will end up in landfills. This will reduce spending on items that could end up there and ensure thoughtful, personalized gifts—whether handwritten cards, homemade treats, or unique crafts made using ethically sourced materials.
Though it remains uncertain whether minimalism reduces carbon emissions, research has demonstrated that lifestyle practices associated with low consumption habits – such as thrifty behaviour and careful resource usage (VS), for example – such as thrifty behaviour and cautious use of resources do. One study by Rich et al. (2009) discovered that owning fewer electronics leads to lower energy consumption, while another by Rich et al. showed that longevity and resource conservation (repair items as opposed to buying new) are hallmarks of VS.
Reduce Waste
Minimalism’s emphasis on decluttering and selecting fewer possessions helps reduce waste from material items. However, being part of this movement requires more than simply purging some stuff; people should also strive to make sustainable purchases whenever they buy something, including opting for smaller vehicles when travelling or employing solar energy to power homes.
Minimalism could bring substantial cuts in carbon emissions attributed to consumption-based carbon emissions. That is because when people own fewer electronic devices, their electricity use decreases, they may use eco-friendly cleaning products, and they support regenerative agriculture, all of which have reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
People who travel less also reduce air pollution emissions. This is because they don’t burn gasoline or emit other pollutants while driving to and from work or the store. It also increases their likelihood of walking or bicycling to the store for purchases, which saves transportation costs while giving them more exercise than before!
Minimalism’s benefits extend beyond environmental concerns; it can boost mental health and lead to a more fulfilling lifestyle. Living with less allows more time for hobbies, family, and friends, less housework and wardrobe decisions, and less shopping for items in cluttered closets. People living this way tend to consume healthier diets with various fruits and vegetables.
At first, minimalism may seem daunting, but once you start practising its principles, it becomes a journey of small victories. To succeed at minimalism, take one step at a time and set clear goals – whether that means decluttering your home, eating more sustainably or beginning an art project. Each sustainable choice you make is a step towards a more fulfilling and environmentally conscious lifestyle, and each step should be celebrated as an achievement.