Composting is an effortless, low-cost solution for improving the soil in your garden, diverting waste from landfills, and mitigating climate change.
Composting comes in many different forms, but the critical element is striking a balance between “greens” (food scraps and coffee grounds) and browns (dry leaves and paper bags).
Start with a Bin
Those new to composting have two options: specially designed bins or large plastic storage containers with lids are best. A lid keeps odours at bay, keeps out larger critters such as squirrels, raccoons, and birds, and protects any nutrient-rich liquid that leaches out—known as compost tea—used to nourish houseplants, trees, or gardens.
Primary bins should be 18 gallons or larger, with an airflow vent on either end. They should also contain 8-10 small holes at the bottom to help air circulate, speeding up decomposition processes. To blend into your garden more seamlessly and prevent being seen as an eyesore, your bin should also have darker hues so as not to stand out too much from its surroundings.
Once your bin has been assembled, place it in a sunny location within reach of a water source—this way, you can water it easily when needed! Water should also be added regularly as needed to prevent drying out and promote microorganism growth.
Food scraps are the primary component of compost, though other items such as egg shells, paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, torn-up cotton cloth and torn-up newspaper may also be added. Meat, dairy products, fats or oils should not be included. This could attract pests while hindering microorganisms from doing their work correctly, resulting in rich, dark and crumbly compost ready for fertilizing gardens or plants.
Add Greens
Turning food scraps and lawn mulch into compost can be an inexpensive way to grow your garden while giving back to the soil—much like adding money to an account that keeps giving back! Compost is also a fantastic way to give back so it can continue providing benefits in the future!
Compost is made through decomposition, where microorganisms break down organic material by eating and digesting it. This material includes kitchen and garden waste such as fruit and vegetable trimmings, coffee grounds and eggshells, as well as grass clippings, leaves and twigs – as well as grass clippings, leaves and twigs – among many others. For optimal compost production, you need green (high in nitrogen content) and brown (richer in carbon content) materials to form what is known as Green/Browns; microorganisms combine these materials and turn them into Humus, which helps plants flourish!
Begin collecting green and brown waste in an easily accessible location on your counter or under your sink, then designate an outside space for your compost pile or bin. Make a habit of regularly adding scraps so enough material will be available throughout the year for composting!
Be sure to add wet and dry material to your compost pile. Too much damp waste could become smelly or attract rodents and flies, while too little dry waste will slowly heat up and decompose into humus. Additionally, turning your pile often (like using Tinder for trash) improves aeration and speeds up the process—this can be done using either a pitchfork or shovel.
Add Browns
Browns provide essential carbon-rich elements, helping to offset food scraps’ high nitrogen content. Microorganisms require this combination to thrive; consider it like creating an ideal compost sandwich! Think about greens and browns both being involved!
Start by layering 2- 6 inches of course materials such as twigs and sticks, followed by food scraps shredded into smaller pieces to accelerate decomposition.
As part of your compost bin maintenance efforts, it is essential that you know which materials should not go in. These may include meat, bones, dairy products, whole eggs, and grease. Furthermore, if included, citrus peels, coffee grounds, or any acidic food items could lead to slower decomposition processes. A tumbler or kitchen compost bucket with a charcoal filter could help control unpleasant odours faster and hasten decomposition processes if no room for backyard piles exists in your community garden or a community garden donation program is available near you. ShareWaste offers matching services between composters and food scrap donations through its app platform, which connects composters with food scrap donors who could contribute.
After several months, your compost should have a distinct earthy fragrance with little trace of food scraps remaining. Once complete, it can be used as a nutrient-rich soil additive in your garden. Composting is an engaging natural process that keeps organic material out of landfills, where it emits methane (an 84x more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide) while also being free. Composting requires patience and persistence but is an invaluable way of diverting waste from landfills.
Add Water
Composting doesn’t need to be difficult or time-consuming—in fact, it can even benefit the environment by reducing methane emissions and creating richer soil.
Successful compost piles depend on finding an optimal balance of carbon-rich “browns” and nitrogen-rich “greens.” Aim for three parts of brown material per one part of green material by volume; too much green can quickly decompose into an unsightly mess, while too little brown will slow decomposition.
Shredding organic materials (such as fruits, vegetables and leaves) into small pieces before adding them to your bin or pile can speed up decomposition by increasing surface area and making microorganisms more effective at breaking down materials. Regular turning also ensures an even distribution of oxygen throughout the pile.
Some moisture is essential for decomposition, but too much will suffocate the process if your pile becomes too wet. When this happens, stir in coarse, dry materials such as dried leaves, straw or shredded paper to balance out excess moisture and reinvigorate the pile.
Once your compost is complete, it’s ready for use in the garden or added to existing soil in planters or pots. Remember to avoid dairy products, meat and fish scraps, oil and fat (such as lard), pet waste or diseased plants, as these can attract unwanted pests. If necessary, sawdust or coffee grounds can also help deodorize. Suppose you need more space or time to compost by yourself. In that case, ShareWaste and similar online services provide services which match you up with other people in your community who may possess more advanced systems or acres where organic waste can be turned into something valuable for both parties involved – perfect if your own time or space constraints prevent you from doing it on your own!
Turn It Often
Compost is a nutritious black material that enhances soil structure by increasing its ability to retain water. It acts as both a natural fertilizer and waste diversion solution. Compost can also keep waste out of landfills while providing essential nutrition to houseplants, vegetables, and gardens—it’s easy enough for everyone in the family to pitch in.
Compost bins are available at garden centres, or you can make one yourself from wood pallets and drill holes into its lid – regardless of which container is chosen, there are a few basic steps that must be followed to start it up:
Start by layering carbon-rich materials like dried leaves, paper, straw, or shredded newspaper. Next, add an array of green materials like vegetable scraps, fruit peelings, and coffee grounds.
Mix the pile using a shovel or pitchfork, improving aeration and encouraging decomposition. The more often you turn your pile, the faster it becomes compost.
Compost piles should consist of approximately one-third of green waste (nitrogen-based, wet waste) and two-thirds of brown matter, such as newspaper shreddings, bits of cardboard, sawdust from untreated wood, or spent potting soil. Meat, dairy products and oils will slow the decomposition process considerably – avoid adding them as these items attract insects that deplete their richness. It may be helpful to have a pail or bin in the kitchen to collect food scraps and add them directly when complete; remembering to chop larger food scraps will help expedite their decomposition even faster!