Environmentally friendly cleaning products, such as homemade cleaners, can greatly reduce human and environmental health concerns associated with bleach-based disinfectants. Homemade solutions are inexpensive and simple to make; why not give one of these recipes a try?
When we think of eco-friendly products, words like biodegradable, chemical-free, and landfill-safe often come to mind. But what do these labels really signify?
It is safer for human health and the environment.
There is a wide selection of green cleaning products on the market today, each providing unique advantages. Some are organic, while others biodegrade or recycle easily; many come packaged in eco-friendly or recycled containers; many tend to be less harsh than traditional products and contain lower volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may impact indoor air quality negatively; furthermore, most green cleaners do not test on animals nor contain hazardous substances.
In the long run, green cleaners tend to be cheaper than chemical-based cleaning products, particularly at major retailers and janitorial services that employ them. Furthermore, many individuals choose to create their own natural cleaners using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, saving both money and the planet!
For optimal green cleaning products, it is crucial to seek third-party certifications. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency has implemented its Safer Choice program, which assesses products for their human and environmental impacts, and the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) rating system mirrors that of USDA organic food certification.
Be sure to look for certification from Green Seal or Ecologo; these labels identify environmentally responsible products with specific details on ingredients used and the manufacturing process.
Selecting eco-friendly cleaning products can help businesses reduce their environmental footprint and demonstrate that they care about maintaining healthy environments, increasing customer and stakeholder trust while possibly creating marketing advantages.
Green cleaners can enhance both employee and customer experiences. Reducing exposure to toxic toxins that damage our bodies and cause illness is one way of doing this while still getting results with traditional chemical-based cleaners; in fact, the EWG found that most green cleaning products performed at least as effectively or even better than conventional ones!
Reduces respiratory irritation and asthma
Cleaning products often contain chemicals that can irritate the eyes, skin, and lungs and lead to breathing difficulties and other health concerns, especially for people with compromised immune systems or asthma. Regularly exposed custodial staff to these chemicals during building maintenance may also face risks.
Consumers may reduce the likelihood of respiratory irritation and asthma symptoms by choosing green cleaning products, while also decreasing exposure to potentially hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released into the environment.
Studies on multiple brands of green or eco-friendly cleaning products showed that those classified as “green” or eco-friendly emitted significantly fewer VOCs and had lower relative hazard indices compared with conventional products, with fragrance-free products (both homemade and green) emitting even fewer emissions than conventional brands.
Manufacturers of green products tend to avoid synthetic scents that could trigger respiratory issues, as well as ingredients known to exacerbate asthma or cause other breathing conditions (phenols and formaldehydes), so they reduce respiratory issues for their users.
Green cleaning products provide many other advantages, including being nontoxic and having low VOC levels, which contribute to improved indoor air quality. Furthermore, they typically biodegrade quickly and come packaged in recycled or recyclable packaging; plus, they’re often safer around children and pets who are particularly prone to chemical toxins than adults.
When purchasing green cleaning products, it is essential to look for third-party certifications indicating they meet certain environmental and safety standards. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency reviews an item under the Safer Choice label, ensuring it contains only safe chemicals. Other certification options available to businesses are Ecologo and Green Seal; both offer third-party sustainability standards with stringent life cycle requirements for products. People looking for high-quality green cleaning options should look for third-party certifications, such as cruelty-free and organic ingredients, to find an option that meets these standards. Many stores and vendors offering cleaning products will carry green versions of popular brands that fulfill these qualifications.
Reduces the risk of infectious agents
Green cleaning products make it much simpler to eliminate germs and prevent the spread of infectious agents, while still leaving surfaces looking clean. While many refer to the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of disinfectants and sanitizers for these purposes, there are plenty of other viable solutions out there that do just as well. Green products may require more effort when applied, but their lower likelihood of toxic chemicals that pose infection risks for those with compromised immune systems or health conditions could make this method of cleaning much more effective.
Green products tend to contain lower concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or may even lack them altogether. When people use products, they release VOCs into the air, which can lead to respiratory ailments. Researchers have also linked them to various cancers and serious illnesses.
Before buying products labeled green by their manufacturers, it’s wise to seek third-party verification from an unbiased third-party certification body such as Green Seal, UL EcoLOGO, or USDA Biobased to make an informed decision. Look out for logos such as these to identify quality green cleaners that have minimal environmental impact and guarantee excellent cleaning power.
Many green cleaning products contain natural ingredients, while others combine traditional chemical cleaners with those proven to be safer for the environment. Look out for labels such as eco-friendly, nontoxic, or cruelty-free to indicate whether or not a product contains harsh or toxic chemicals.
Switching to green cleaning products offers numerous advantages for businesses and facilities, helping to reduce carbon emissions while creating healthier environments for employees and visitors. It is essential to spend enough time learning about them so you can select a safe alternative to conventional commercial cleaners. Green cleaners can effectively tackle even the dirtiest of spaces while being more secure for everyone involved, especially those with compromised immune systems or medical concerns.
Less Harmful to Animals
When it comes to cleaning, green cleaning products are less harmful to animals and the environment. These types of cleaners often utilize natural ingredients like citrus and vinegar that don’t release chemical fumes that could potentially cause burns or breathing issues for animal handlers, while simultaneously helping reduce air and water pollution by not releasing harsh chemicals into the atmosphere. Many individuals who choose green products for home or workplace cleaning find they suffer less from allergies or asthma because these cleaners don’t release harsh chemical fumes into the air or water environment.
When purchasing green cleaning products, it is essential that they bear third-party certification. There are various organizations that certify products as eco-friendly, such as Green Seal, Ecologo, and UL, that provide this stamp of approval; each has stringent standards that must be met in order to earn this status. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency offers its Safer Choice program, which helps consumers, businesses, and purchasers find products that are safer for humans as well as the environment.
Green cleaning products tend to be less expensive and less harmful to both pets and children who come into contact with them, plus you can easily find recipes online that allow for homemade versions. Plus, green cleaners don’t emit volatile organic compounds, which degrade indoor air quality!
When purchasing green cleaning products, it is crucial that you carefully read their labels. Due to misleading advertising claims, it’s advisable to only buy products approved by an independent organization like Green Seal or UL and avoid products with vague terms like “natural” or “eco-friendly,” which don’t mean anything specific. Greenwashing can often occur within this industry, so be wary of false marketing claims made on packaging labels.